Physical Testimonials
In Reprogram Your Subconscious: How to Use Self-Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want, Gale Glassner Twersky, A.C.H. has provided an engaging and readable overview of self-hypnosis with examples and techniques relevant to the lay and professional readers alike. Describing hypnosis as an adjunct rather than a replacement for professional health care, Gale removes the negative connotations and addresses the myths about hypnosis. Multiple rich vignettes describe how the subconscious operates, and how HypnoCounseling utilizes self-hypnosis to help clients to overcome negative subconscious programs. Her pleasant, conversational style offers steps for self-hypnosis, detailed scripts with guided imagery, and alternative techniques to facilitate mind-body-spirit connections for the individual. The appendices provide a wealth of further information on dealing with specific issues, follow-up exercises to optimize progress, along with a glossary and bibliography of relevant works. As a bonus, her CD Relax, Release, and Dream On, is made available for personal use.
- Kathleen L
- Issues:
- About Gale
This Enlightening CD Set Will Help You Heal
My husband died next to me in a tragic car accident, leaving me with intense grief and anxiety that affected my ability to sleep. “Reprogram your Subconscious” — “How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want” — the 9 CD set — helped me resolve those issues and more. It taught me why hypnosis works and how to use self-hypnosis to change my attitudes and behaviors for the better. There is no doubt in my mind that Ms. Twersky is an extraordinary healer. Her CD set is a powerful healing tool that you will definitely improve your life!
- Irene W
- Issues:
- Grief
- Trouble Sleeping/Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Stress
“Time heals everything except What is in your subconscious programming. Best news is that your hypnosis system makes changes in your subconscious. It allows rapid healing and elimination of negative issues.”
- Dee
- Issues:
- Negative Thinking
- Wounds that would not heal
- Fibromyalgia
- Abuse
I was going through many changes in my life several years ago all at one time which caused me to have anxiety attacks. I did not know who to turn to and then I found Gale. She explained to me how hypnosis works and after 6 sessions I felt like a different person.
- Sandra
- Issues:
- Fears
- Lack of Self Confidence
- Unforgiveness
- Anxieties