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Explore My Services
Gale has worked with over 80 categories of issues.
Below are some of the most common issues.
All Kinds of Performance Issues
All Kinds of Physical Issues
All Kinds of Mental/Emotional Issues
All Kinds of Habits Issues

The Story of Success
After only two hypnosis sessions with my HypnoCounselor, Gale Glassner Twersky, I have trained myself to use self-hypnosis to successfully treat my problems. Using this relaxation technique has benefited me by effectively reducing my tinnitus symptoms (noise in the ear), improving my sleep patterns, losing weight and enhancing my ability to cope with stress. It took time, dedication, patience, persistence and practice. We have all been provided with a powerful mechanism to help us in the treatment of mental and physical disorders; and, that is our mind. Use this tool – it’s free! I did, and look what it has done for me.

Reprogram Your Subconscious!
Are you frustrated after trying your hardest to make positive changes in your life, and nothing has worked?
Then, it’s time you discover what was blocking you and delete it forevermore.
Our approach and unique protocols have been proven successful for over 22 years!
Ready to schedule a Reboot Retreat with Gale, focused on you alone, or want to include a partner?
If you feel like you need a Hypnotherapist to speak to, we are here:
Open Hours
- Mon-Fri: 10 AM – 7:30 PM
- Saturday: 10 AM – 12 PM
- Sunday: Closed