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Gale Glassner Associates for Personal Growth & Wellness


Your Subconscious is your Silent, Invisible Partner, 24/7 Friend/Advocate
Together let’s delete what’s blocking your Success & Happiness


Gale Glassner Associates for Personal Growth & Wellness


Your Subconscious is your 24/7 Silent, Invisible Partner, Advocate

Let’s delete Faulty Subconscious Programs blocking you!

  • Welcome: Gale Glassner Associates for Personal Growth & Wellness


    Your Subconscious is your "Silent Invisible Partner", 24/7 Friend and Powerful Advocate...

    Let's work together with your Subconscious to resolve whatever is blocking your Success and Happiness!

My Services

Free 15 Minute Consultation

Book your free consultation with a highly experienced and award-winning Hypnotherapist, Gale Glassner.

Client Testimonials

Learn how Gale's services helped her clients challenging issues and brought great relief.

Online Certification Training

You will receive over 22 years' worth of Gale's knowledge, techniques, scriptwriting, audio creation and so much more.

Learn more about

Gale & Her Vision

MEET Gale Glassner Twersky, ACH, Renowned Hypnotherapist 22 yrs., 11 years Best Selling Author, Pioneered the "Reprogram Your Subconscious" Mind Theory. Gale is also a Certified Hypnosis Instructor/Trainer and created unique protocols for her specialty, Reprogramming Hypnosis System. Her work also focuses on "Subconscious Health" that is connected to everyone's wellbeing.

I use my Hypnosis Specialty, Reprogramming Hypnosis System (RHS), to powerfully and time efficiently, resolve the client’s issues. Also, clients are taught how to continue using RHS concepts and practices as a self-healing, self-empowering, “Lifetime-Lifestyle”.

I am passionate about my life’s work as a Reprogramming Hypnosis Specialist, Practitioner/Trainer. My vision is to spread RHS Worldwide, in as many languages as possible, to benefit as many people as possible relating to wellness/self-care, education, personal development and “Subconscious Health”. Additionally, we teach the client our RHS process for their own self-empowerment.

Call to book an appointment


Schedule Your Customized, Online Reboot Retreat

Are you frustrated after trying your hardest to make positive changes in your life, and nothing has worked?

Then, it’s time you discover what was blocking you and delete it forevermore.

Our approach and unique protocols have been proven successful for over 22 years!

Ready to schedule a Reboot Retreat with Gale, focused on you alone, or want to include a partner?

Need a solution?

Explore My Services

My Reprogramming Hypnosis System offers many solutions since most every issue has a connection to the client's Subconscious Programming. Furthermore, our clients learn self-hypnosis and much more.

Also, as a Certified Hypnosis Instructor, I Certify Practitioners and Trainers in my unique protocols re: Reprogramming Hypnosis System.

Gale has worked successfully with over 80 categories of issues. Below are some of the most common issues.

All Kinds of Mental/Emotional Issues

All Kinds of Physical Issues

All Kinds of Performance Issues

All Kinds of Habits Issues

Client Video Testimonials

Her Children’s Recovery from Serious Traumas

Childhood Traumas re: a sexual predator

Insights re: Gale’s RYS book, Gale’s Reprogramming Hypnosis System, It can help so many others

Based on Gale Glassner Twersky’s Specialty Hypnosis System (RHS)

The time is right. Gale delivers within her digital training program, her entire RHS Legacy. It’s over 22 years worth of her experiences, discoveries, strategies and innovative techniques using multiple modalities for instructions including: Videos, PDF’s, Recordings of PDF’s, Sample scripts, Scriptwriting, Audio content creation, Narration techniques, etc. Gale is teaching all that has brought her extraordinary Success and Recognition.

Become a Certified Practitioner/Trainer

Imagine sharing your clients’ incredible joy when you guide them to delete their Faulty Subconscious Programs and download their best and happiest life programs, complete with solid Self-Empowerment!

Become a Certified RHS Specialist Practitioner or a RHS Specialist Practitioner/Trainer

    Qualities that are Definite Pluses for Trainers

    1. Integrity and Trustworthiness
    2. Clear Communicator (speech and written communications)
    3. Enjoy Teaching (perhaps a teacher at heart)
    4. Creativity and logical reasoning
    5. Compassion
    6. Non-judgmental attitude
    7. Good Intuition
    8. Experience with interpersonal work
    9. Willingness to Admit Mistakes and Learn From Them
    10. Dedication to Doing your Best for your Clients

    Online Store

    Explore My Shop

    Visit my online store to explore our Books, Audio Series, and my new genre, Hypno Guided Songs with lyrics by Gale.

    Do You Have a Question?

    Contact Gale Now

    Fill out the form below to book an appointment with me.

      Free Download copy of Gale’s Hypnotic Guided Imagery Audio, narrated by Gale, a #1 Best Selling Spoken Word Audio

        Hear sample of “Heal your Inner World”,
        A HypnoGuided Song – Lyrics by Gale, feat. Ricky Persaud, Jr.

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          This will give you notifications for events, for news about Gale and Reprogramming Hypnosis System future discoveries.

          Are you frustrated after trying your hardest to make positive changes in your life, and nothing has worked? Then, it’s time you discover what was blocking you and delete it forevermore.



          Any questions or remarks? Just wanna say hi? Leave us a message!


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